‪(512) 765-4585‬ mail@resonanceinvestments.com
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Solid Real Estate Investment Partnerships.

Residential | Multi-Family | Small Retail

Resonance Investments is a nimble real estate investment firm based in Houston, Texas. We identify investment opportunities in both the residential and commercial markets throughout the country.

We then partner with independent investors and private and institutional lenders to create substantial profit opportunities by tightening operational inefficiencies, performing functional and aesthetic renovations and building equity and profitability through forced appreciation.


Put simply, our investors get paid first.

We believe our investments will bring a far stronger and more reliable yield than other, more-volatile investment vehicles (including the stock market). We don’t take a cent until our investors have recouped their investments plus a 10-15% return (depending on the size and scope of the project).

Our vast network of contacts and colleagues bring us deals on a daily basis, from which we cherry pick only the most solid ones with the highest profit potential using comprehensive analysis using today’s advanced tools. We say “NO” to far more deals than we approve.    

These opportunities are perfect for individuals with moderate-to-high net worth who are looking to profit from the daily gains we see in Texas (and beyond) real estate without ever picking up a hammer. 

If this is you, click the button below and let’s talk.


What We Do

We are Residential and Commercial Real Estate investors who specialize in small to medium B-class properties across multiple asset classes.


Our Approach

We focus on adding value to force appreciation. This provides exceptional cash flow and above average returns on our partners’ investment dollars compared to other investment vehicles.


Our Mission

Long-term, profitable and mutually-beneficial partnerships are at the center of what we do. Growth through slow, steady and well-researched expansion.

Properties Analyzed

Retail Projects Value


Years Of Experience